COVID-19 as innovation driver: Making IT sustainable (Part 2 of 3)
Als im Frühjahr 2020 die erste Welle von Covid-19 Ansteckungen durch das Land lief, stellten sehr viele große Unternehmen ihre operative Arbeitsweise nahezu schlagartig [...]
COVID-19 as innovation driver: Making central functions sustainable (Part 1 of 3)
The current economic changes stemming from the Corona crisis are affecting the core business of companies in very different ways. While some industries are struggling [...]
acondas HR Future: Managing HR Transformation Successfully
Times are tough for HR organizations. Demographic developments have made it increasingly difficult to find and attract top specialists and managers in many professional groups. [...]
Integrated project and change management as the key to successful implementation
"The bigger the project and the more profound the change, the more important change management is." Today, this view is as widely accepted by research [...]
Implementing change successfully – acondas’ tips for managing change well
Change in companies doesn’t happen on its own. It requires perseverance and thoughtful change management. acondas supports its clients in implementing complex changes, and that [...]