Employees in projects outside of IT
1 Day
€ 1,500
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions, please call us directly or send us an e-mail.

Mareike Schimion,
+49 211 9132 340
Learning Lab
Agile Project Management
Agile project management is spreading like wildfire and is now also used in a variety of ways outside its original area of application in IT. In our “Agile Project Management” training, we teach methods and tools that have proven powerful in practice. You will learn to select and apply the appropriate method for each project context, such as Scrum or other hybrid forms and agile instruments. In addition, we will sharpen your understanding of the principles underlying agile teams and the challenges that can arise. The training content is taught and practiced using concrete project examples, and the findings are reflected on in the group. The training also thrives on a lively exchange of experiences between the participants and the highly experienced acondas trainers.
Employees in projects outside of IT
1 Day
€ 1,500
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions, please call us directly or send us an e-mail.

Mareike Schimion,
+49 211 9132 340