acondas HR Future: Managing HR Transformation Successfully
Times are tough for HR organizations. Demographic developments have made it increasingly difficult to find and attract top specialists and managers in many professional groups. As the megatrend “digitalization“ continues unabated, top talent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the so-called STEM subjects, are in high demand. Flexible and agile ways of working must be translated into new organizational structures and supported by HR. These and other trends make systematic personnel development and programs for long-term employee retention increasingly important elements of a modern HR organization.
In practice, though, many HR organizations have a hard time coping with these changing requirements and the increasingly strategic importance of HR, continuing to focus instead on providing administrative HR services. This leaves them with insufficient capacity to develop competences for future topics, such as new ways of working or supporting transformation projects and cultural change.
Given this situation, the requirement-tailored development of the HR organization and its service portfolio should be on top of managements’ agendas. Specifically, HR organizations should fundamentally rethink their services, tasks, competences, processes, and responsibilities as well as ensure a common sense of identity within the HR team.
Our HR Future approach has proven in practice to effectively support organizational development within HR. In this approach, we develop individual solutions for modern HR organizations in joint teams with our customers and implement these quickly and effectively.

At the beginning of each HR transformation process, current weak points and the need for change (“pain points“) are identified and integrated into the HR vision and strategy development process. Then the team redesigns the current HR organization based on the newly defined strategic goals. The next step is to support implementation in the organization and stabilize the new operations. This involves qualifying employees and managers for their new tasks and roles, potentially through coaching or training sessions. In addition, regular reviews of the implementation status are conducted.
If you have further questions on our HR Future approach or our expertise in HR transformation projects, we look forward to hearing from you at