Anniversary celebration “10 years acondas” in Düsseldorf
acondas has turned 10. We celebrated this milestone on November 11 with long-time companions, customers, almost the entire acondas team as well as many former employees above the rooftops of Düsseldorf. Jörg Fengler and Andreas Florissen – the two founders and managing directors of acondas – welcomed special guests Petra Horn and Dieter Nuhr.

In her welcome speech, Petra Horn, member of the board of directors of SOS Children’s Villages worldwide, highlighted the close and cooperative partnership between acondas and SOS Children’s Villages that began in 2016. Since then, acondas has supported various of the aid organization’s projects around the world. Petra Horn had a prominent SOS Children’s Village ambassador at her side: Dieter Nuhr, the well-known cabaret artist and comedian, shared his personal impressions from visits to Children’s Villages in Ethiopia, Lebanon, Sudan, Bolivia, Georgia and India. He expressly praised the work of the organization as on-site support for self-help and called on the guests to support it. Dieter Nuhr then touched many current events from everyday life, politics and society in his trademark pointed and amusing manner. With his motto “Life is not a joke – but can still be fun” he created a perfect transition to the social part of the evening.

During a casual get together, guests were able to make new acquaintances and refresh old ones. A flying buffet and music rounded out the program. In various “theme corners”, the guests were also able to inform themselves about acondas’ focus of work in the areas of transformation (organization, digitalization, sustainability), transaction and value enhancement. Across the board, everyone enjoyed the celebration