
Eugenio de la Garza Revilla

I was interested in getting into consulting, but wanted to find one where I could see the results of the work done. Talking to my now colleagues I learned how acondas works closely with customers all the way to the implementation of strategies that deliver sustainable transformation for their businesses, matching what I was Looking for. Another factor was the main industries acondas works with. I wanted to work in the Energy industry and had experience in the chemical industry, these being exactly industries of focus for the company. Finally, I was impressed by the extensive training and mentorship program.

If I go to the office it starts with getting a coffee from our barista machine and some fruit, then saying hello to my colleagues and after a quick chat I sit down and plan my main meetings and activities for the day and create my to-do list focused with the 2-3 main tasks to complete that day. If at home I start with a coffee and some short play time with my cat, then up to my day planning.

As some of my colleagues confirm, I would say the best thing about working here it’s the wonderful team. I like how everybody is always willing to help and in general have a great attitude towards others. I also like the freedom we are given to structure our work and focus on results. This autonomy has allowed me to grow rapidly as a professional, taking on challenging projects that have a real impact on our clients’ businesses. Of course, this entails a level of ownership and responsibility for the work developed, but you can always count on your team to help if you feel stuck or need another opinion.

After work I like to relax either by cooking dinner or going out to eat with friends. Its important to have some balance so I try to go out at least for a walk. As some of my colleagues say I also like to do sports, but I’m more of a “morning exercise guy”, so the afternoon is for me more a time to relax.

Eugenio joined in April 2023 having finished his MBA from ESMT Berlin. Previously he studied chemical engineering in Mexico and has worked in strategy projects and M&A in the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Europe for a petrochemical company. There he has lead projects related to circularity and recycling of PET, renewable energy project valuation, M&A for different buy and sell side transactions and internal process optimization and budgeting for big corporations.

With acondas he has so far as Manager focused on Project management, Strategic planning and financial valuations for large European utilities.

Other Team Members
Melissa Prünte

Senior Consultant

Dr Andreas Florissen

General Manager

Dr Jörg Fengler

General Manager

Hannes Kolasch
