Projekt Case Study
Consulting area: Value Enhancement
Bringing strategies to life
I. Initial situation
In 2019, we supported a national utility company in a program to improve their earnings. This included identifying and evaluating cost reduction measures on the one hand, and developing and evaluating new service and business areas on the other.
Even before the start of the project, the company had launched various initiatives to handle tasks even more effective and efficient and thereby create room to maneuver (capacities and budget) for new future-oriented tasks.
The aim of the project was to develop and evaluate concrete measures for these initiatives, which would create scope for further business development in other areas. These measures were to achieve a defined improvement in earnings by a set deadline.
The project lasted six months and was accompanied by two consultants.
II. Our approach
In this project, acondas successfully collaborated with the central functional and business areas as well as the executive board of the client company. After defining the project structure and approach, we worked with the customer to conduct potentials analyses in selected areas of the company and set targets for each area. We then identified measures in numerous customer workshops and further developed them together with those responsible for the measures. Subsequently, these measures were evaluated as to their potential impact on earnings.
We provided the customer with both methodological and technical support in deriving the measures, as well as pragmatic tools and templates for developing the measures.
To monitor goal-orientation and efficiency in implementing measures and generating earnings, we set up a measure controlling system that ensured the success of the project in the long term.
III. Successes achieved
The earnings target set at the beginning of the project was achieved. A large number of measures for cost reduction and growth in new service and business areas were approved by the Executive Board. Some of these measures were then implemented directly or prepared for implementation.