acondas Whitepaper “Innovation Process and Architecture”
“Digitalization, fundamental shifts in value chains”, “dramatic reduction of product lifecycles” – these are only some of the challenges that companies are facing today. The ability to innovate becomes a key competitive factor.
In a collaborative work, acondas and its partner – the Innovation Centre for Mobility and Societal Change (InnoZ) from Berlin – analyzed how companies can improve their ability to innovate, i.e. to generate new ideas, to develop and successfully commercialize innovation in the market. We summarized our joined findings from innovation projects and research in a joint whitepaper.
From our view, two factors are relevant for the successful development and commercialization of innovation: Companies need to establish a structured innovation process with clear decision rules and methodologies especially for the transfer from one stage of the process to another – we call this “Transfer Design”. Companies also need an innovation architecture that provides the organizational and technical requirements for innovation work.
In our whitepaper we describe both the phases of the innovation process with some methods of Transfer Design and the building blocks for a modern innovation organization. We conclude by describing how companies can conduct the transformation process from their current way of innovation work to the target innovation process and architecture.
If you want to learn more about our experience in innovation or other implementation topics, you can reach out to us: