2030 Agenda: Are we running out of time?
Several famous guest speakers and experts, among them the futurologist Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer, the Chairwoman of the German Council for Sustainable Development Marlehn Thieme and the CHRO of Evonik Industries Thomas Wessel, gave inspiring contributions to the discussions. In workshops, the participants had the opportunity to discuss selected topics such as “Partnerships for the Goals” in more detail.

acondas draws a positive resume of the conference: As member of the UN Global Compact we will continue to engage for the Global Goals. We took away several ideas and inspirations on measures that we can implement in our firm and take to our clients.
We continue to publish news regarding the implementation of our sustainability measures on a regular basis. Additional information on acondas can be obtained under info@acondas.com. Additional information on the UN Global Compact and the Global Goals Forum can be obtained under https://www.globalcompact.de and https://www.globalgoals-forum.org as well as on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalCompactDE/